Saffron-yellow inspiration to warm up my Wednesday

Today I am working from home. That means sun is streaming in through the curtains, there is tea spiced with cloves and cardamom on the side table, and I, of course, still have to go into the office somehow, since I forgot to send an important email before I left yesturday, and of course, that is something I can't do from home. Stressing about that, I ate several slices of the "Kuwaiti Saffron & Rosewater Cake" that I finally managed to bake yesturday in my ghetto-cheap oven from this recipe Kuwaiti Saffron Cardamom Cake - Gers Ogely | Sukarah. I changed it around a little bit, using a recipe for an Iranian cake that is similiar in base for the ingredients I didn't have on hand due to being actually out of sugar.  My two-year old hates it, having a preference for sweeter and more refined French cakes (that is my fault), SO, when I DO finish work (which I am taking a break from to post this post) I will have to sweep the whole house, which is covered in tell-tale yellow-hued saffron crumbs. Something about saffron just feels so warm and homely to me, that I felt saffron was the perfect ingredient to cure my winter sweet tooth. You know I have lived in the Middle East too long, when I am wearing bulky cableknit sweaters over my abayas and shivering while other expats give me the weirdest looks, cue their ACs, and Omanis joke about my nationality. Yes, I love skiing, snowball fights, iceskating, hockey, and falling snow, but I hate the cold, and love hot apple cinnamon cider (halal of course) and sitting by the crackling fireplace. Maybe that's why I suddenly crave a visual eye-candy fest in golden-saffron shades? What I wouldn't give for a fireplace, even if I would only use it one month out of the year. Nothing more homely or romantic than a fireplace, that's for sure. I have yet to find a house in Oman that has a fireplace, so....

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