Can't Deny It: Statistics put Omani Disabilities AWFULLY Low... Soooooo

A SHY REBELLIOUS ARAB GIRL just wrote this well-timed (for me personally) post For the sake of Dhofari Blind Girls! and I relate alot to it. Studying the MOH (Ministry of Health) 2009 report, Oman has pretty low cases for disabilities, and a MIRACULOUS almost non-existant percentage of children born with autism.

As the government is well aware, Omani families just decide to hide the fact that children are born with different gifts (and different difficulties) than the social norm. There is no shame in these things, and denying an illness will cause MORE ill than treating and recognizing them.
I support awareness of disabilties, research dedicated to, and know from personal experience of having a family member born with a disability, my family member ROCKS, and I am proud of her. So what if it takes her twice as long to learn and do things as me. It has taken alot of time, and alot of patience and treatment, but when she does things now, she does them BETTER than me.
For those in this society who'd hide their sons or daughters, know you are HURTING your family more if they don't get the education that would help them BETTER your family, or the treatment to help them help you.

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