Police Break Up Peaceful Protest by Omani Teachers with Violence

I guess it's been in and about on the Arabic Omani Sablah (which I am daft at reading being my Arabic is limited to fluently pointing at things and naming them in a one word manner) but I seem to have lost the Youtube link to the video. If you can search in Arabic for it, please feel free to post the link here.

Well, apparently last week or so a group of government Omani teachers went to protest the 4x salary raises of contemporaries and their 1 time in the same ammount of time raises. Not a huge issue. Nothing remotely Sohar roundabout-ish. Not all teachers went.

Watching the video, the men were composed. They spoke to their Minister. They conducted themsevles not in any radical (even looking like a protest) manner. Yet a bus seemed to arrive to arrest a portion of the group. About 13 minutes into the video (which had been thankfully very dull up to that point) police arrived with riot masks and sheilds and started hitting the gathered teachers with rubber batons.

I am uncertain from the uniforms if these are even police connected to the general ROP.

The violence was clearly unnecessary from the video footage.

And clearly UNCONDUCTIVE to whoever wanted these protesters gone because now, even teachers who DIDN'T think their contemporaries needed this salary raise will refuse to teach students until someone deals with the demands OR apologises and explains these rather extreme measures.

Teachers DID go to work in some of the effected schools to not appear as if in protest or on strike, but circumstances were explained to the students, and the students sent home.

Yes, please share the link or any information on this post please.

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