Just Relaxing in my Oman after the Eid

Life changed dramatically for me this Eid al Adha. I had a baby. That was my Eid. No prayer, no mishakeek, no shua. Litterally, the "having" of the baby took up the Eid.

Before this, I was too busy to blog, because, a. I was too preggo to walk very far so my wild adventures were limited to driving to such exotic places such as Seeb City center, although I did manage to shop but contractions made me fear I was going to have my daughter in the Zara. Which would have been something for those fellas sitting outside the Costa I imagine. And B. I had guests almost consistantly, which I hosted oh so shamefully, being unable to take them anywhere nice and worth seeing in Oman beyond the Mutrah Corniche souq, and city center, and before that, others from the U.K.

The rain made my roof leak in the guest room on their luggage and beds, and moving furniture at midnight was quite an adventure. Thank you to you honourary OPNOs for your patience, and driving me & MOP through a flood one night;). I apologise yet again that Nawras failed to set up your blackberry BBM right and yet charged you, that you didn't get to see the interior because I insisted on staying close to a certain hospital in the capital out of righteous fear of Bahla hospital [no offense to anyone decent who actually works there]. I am sorry you didn't get Athaiba mishakeek, OR village mishakeek, that you had to stay a night in a hook-up hotel before we found a better one, and that you were part of a street fight between Baluchis and Omanis in Mutrah [THOUGH THAT IS WEIRD, and not at all common I assure you. Just your luck;)]. I hope you enjoyed Oman, and thank you for spoiling my little Omani Princess [who really IS Omani].

All other readers, I feel really bad for not posting alot, but all OPNO girls are busy with projects, and me, the editor, is really, really tired, getting used to a new baby, and organizing the day around her. Hope you don't mind if my posting is a little more sporadic over the next month. I'll try until then, to find you some beautiful images inshaAllah.

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