Can one lose one's self truly, and if one can, how does one get back?

I have been thinking lately on what it means to "lose one's self". I hear the expression all the time. "I lost myself in the music" "lost myself in thought." Is it truly possible to lose yourself in a Culture? I think, definately yes. I see Omani, Saudi, and Emirati girls go to University back in my country (I have never met a Kuwaiti in my life and the only Qataris I met were men) and abandon their black abayas for skinny jeans and shirts that are short and even knee high boots and cleavage sans scarves. My more religious inlaws would say they have lost themselves. Me, having found myself in black abaya and scarves don't feel lost floating in and out of the culture here, even in the village. But it leads me to think of those girls back in Uni all the way out West, taking off their abayas. Some, took them off to fit in with the crowd. Others did it because they were told to. All will put them back on when they come home. Reading "Shy Rebellious Arab Girl"'s blog I think, one can't lose themselves if they were lost already in their own culture. Some girls are more at home in skinny jeans than abayas. I am okay with that. I am more at home with myself in an abaya than skinny jeans in public. Maybe, it is more or less, always a case of finding one's self. Such was the case for me, and I find myself here.To lose one's self means giving up those things that make you who you are. If you never got to decide those things you were lost to begin with so I don't think you can "lose yourself" then, until you find yourself first. Rambling post, forgive. So if you have lost yourself can you get yourself back? I mean, if you run off somewhere where nobody knows your name and you do some zany stupid silly things that neither define you or are who you truly are, can you find yourself again?

This happened to me, when I first came here, to Muscat. I don't think, from those things, I will ever be myself, as I was before, ever again. Every experience changes a person for better or for worse. But what I do believe, is that it is never too late to start over, and that one can redefine what and who one is every moment that there is still breath in their lungs. So the moral of this ramble is, IT IS OKAY TO LOSE YOURSELF, AS LONG AS YOU CAN GET YOURSELF BACK. {end ramble}

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