My Own Photos: Girls Camping Trip

Despite my love of spending night and day outdoors, I am actually, quite a horrible camper. Not because I am one of those girls who can't sleep on the floor, and screams at the sight of bugs or chipped nail polish or anything, but because I am not a good planner when it comes to camping. I overplan in everything else in life but when the weekend comes and I get a chance to runaway to Asharqiyah, I just get so excited that I miss things. My friends don't help that much either, they're just as bad or even worse than me. Thankfully, out of all the trips I've been on, I had one friend who brought her mobile, and it had a camera, so here is what is probably the amalgomation of a gazillion memories from multiple trips into one trip because my memory just doesn't hold up without photos to jog it.We often went to the same spot, just before this wadi. On this particular trip photographed we managed to remember to pack our tents, and we never forget the food, but firewood was an issue.My friend spent over thousand hours {I exxagerate} hacking away at this tree, while I discovered a gully packed with dry and already fallen wood which I packed back to our chosen site on a cliff overlooking the sea with two beaches shaded from the road. I almost managed to get some wild donkeys to carry it for me, but Omani friends were like, they're Jinn, they're Jinn! that I was discouraged, and well, the donkeys that let me ride them, ran away when I tried to put a load of wrapped sticks on their backs, go figure. I have a talent with certain types of animals, birds not being among them, which is a more likely scenario than our campsite being overrun with Jinn donkeys.That is me, triumphant with my fire wood. Alas, maybe it wasn't on this trip but on another but we left too late and it got dark too fast, and we couldn't see to put up our tent so we slept under the stars while the surf crashed below us. Or maybe that was the time we camped at Sawadi and forgot the tent altogether???The darkness, and the gazillion billion stars above us impressed too, but didn't photograph well.This is me the next morning, pretending to put up the tent. It had been put up already, and not by me. That morning, early, I had gone for a swim in the sheilded cove pictured below. I like this spot because if you are the only campers, no one can see you from the road.Our picnic spread, supplied by a mad rush to the Ghubra Lulu:It was consequently so yum yum yummy {food is the best part of camping} that we had 1 uninvited guest.This is him {or her?}:Yes, we could not photograph the little critter well. Cellphones just don't come with the same lense as a Nikon, alas.And this was the other pretty little beach, with all the firewood you could ever need. {We never used the branch that had to be axed by the hour, and so, in a fit of revenge it was doused with jet fuel {don't ask} and set ablaze {not by me} and left to burn in a fume-ey mess as we drove away by our Omani friends}. At least we attempted to take all our garbage with us.

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