A Possible Recourse of Revenge: my dream little cafe

In my husband's village there are alot of shops and restaurants (including all the grocery stores) which are men only places. Only men can order, go inside, sit out front ect. This seems to be so for many places in the more rural corners of Oman. It's not a law, alhamdulilah, like in Saudi Arabia, but it is the culture.

I think the perfect recourse of revenge for this would be to open up a cafe for women only. The perfect building would have no windows on the outer facade but an inner courtyard as a source of light and a place we more cultural/and/or religious ladies could loosen up and be as loud as we like. Laugh, smile, look around, without some culturally-bound guy or girl thinking we must be loose or easy because of this. I thought of having a pool so women could swim but then we'd need a lifeguard since not all women can swim and village kids could risk drowning ect.... So that probably is out. But the rest of my idea IS pretty do-able. The clientelle could also include chic tourist expat women in shorts who'd like a little snack but don't like being leered at by every local dude in a dishdasha passing by.It would be clean. Girly. Maybe have some Arabic flair in design, maybe not. The servers would all be women. I would try to hire locals. You know, the women whose husbands don't allow them to work if they might end up around men but they really need the money.The food would be healthy oooooooooooooooor full or choclatey goodness. How I wish somebody implemented this plan for me so I wouldn't have to. Because I'm broke, lol. But you would go, wouldn't you girls? Or would you think that I am sexist in this day and age;)?

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