I GENERALLY love the type of Western Expats Oman attracts

Honestly, I love in general, the type of breed of Western expat Oman attracts.

Adventurous people. People who want a little culture, people who want to connect to the landscape. People that like to be part of aiding development in a way that preserves culture ect... People that respect Omanis until they themselves are disrespected.

But occasionally, there's the kind of "colonial" mindset expat I abhor.

The ones that complains about how Indians and Pakistanis are treated in Oman but makes their maid cry because she didn't iron the pillowcase just right, and they brag about the maid and how many bathrooms their house has (when it is paid for by their housing allowance from such and such company) and they pay her the same crap wage as everybody else.

The ones that moan about the lack of things to do in this country and how hot it is and they've never been outside of Muscat.

The ones who complain that all Omanis take advantage of people, are racist [see the irony here], lazy ect... when they've never made friends with Omanis from outside of Muscat---or even really gotten to know different Omanis IN MUSCAT. The creepy dude who hit on you in the coffee shop is going to turn out to be a douchebag no matter how friendly he seems. The Omani guy you met in a bar isn't going to represent the culture. If you only know wasta-employed dudes at your work, then you are gonna get lazy and never know about, say the lifestyle of the guard of the gate and how friendly and kind and generous his family is, ect, and how hard they are capable of working.

The ones who complain about not being able to fire those wasta-hires when they themselves got the job through a friend not because of their actual skills. Who take whatever handouts and job perks they can get, whether warranted or unwarranted.

The women who get mad when some business men in Arab dress stare at them wide-eyed when they wear bikinis to the pool. I mean, come on. On some parts of Oman, in shared family houses, it is rare to even to see your own mother's hair, let alone someone's arms and legs... and boobs. Its weird to them. Have some concept of cultural norms before you label everyone a pervert.

But do, by all means, go ahead and be mad at the dude that try to take picture in such a state----that IS against the law here so you CAN get mad at him.

The ones who sit around and comment about the women "forced" to wear hijab because one Omani woman told them she doesn't like to to wear it. Who reapeat anything they wish were true.

Who complain about the roads and the drivers when they themselves speed like idiots and are no better.

Who ignore the heritage signs in villages that request modest dress and no drinking or showy displays of public affection and complain later that they never experienced Omani hospitality as advertised by tourism Oman.

Dude, if you're drunk, or chica, you're wearing a tanktop and shorts to a traditional home, no [there are still some kinds ones despite this] Omani family is going to be like, c'mon, please share a meal with us, and oh, you like that old door in the ruins of our home, why don't you take it as a gift to remember your time with us. SERRIOUSLY!!!!!

Really? What a WASTE of time in this country.

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