Jebel Akdhar Hotel option: The Sahab

The Rustic Room
Terrace Room
I personally really really never liked that other hotel on Jebel Akdhar [so expensive for nothing] so was relieved to learn about the still-under-construction-but-fully-functioning and open Sahab Hotel. I like that it is built keeping local architecture in mind, as well as the hotel's activities running around life on the green mountain, with things such as goat herding, and farming [unique to say the least]. Of course, you could just enjoy the amazing veiw from the pool over the terrace.  The hotel's website is here:
Also unique to the hotel, is the fossil heritage that was discovered and preserved by the hotel's owner during the construction process, that would facsinate any geologist.
If you are more a 'veiw" and 'pool" kind of girl, this is the part of the hotel for you
If you are thinking of checking in, rooms range from 70-230 Omani rials a night, which, in a way, for once I kind of respect, because building ANYTHIN on the top of Jebel Akdhar is pretty expensive to begin with, since you have to bring all the materials from as far away as Nizwa ect . .
Photos all courtesy of (from whom I learnt about this place to begin with) and

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