Women's Guild in Oman

One or two of the OPNO girl's are going to be heading to the annual WGO coffee meets/or the Al Mouj golf club social either this week to sign up for next year's membership, the next, or the next;p so if you want to happen to chance into bumping into one of us;) that's as much clue as I can give.

Womens Guild Oman is a great way for expatriate women to get out and make friends and socialize. They organize alot of great events, do things for charity, and being a cardholder gets you discounts in alot of Muscat restaurants and storefronts. Check out the website to find out where the coffee meet is being held for the Months of June and July. http://www.womensguildoman.com/calendar-of-events/

I was a member to practice my English;), and to find out about the fashion shows, ha. Until someone made off with my card to go for sushi at Japengo, not naming any names;p

The group is definately not exclusively for expats, just super helpful for those new to Oman. They'd love to have more local members as well*

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