OPNO leaving Oman?

Are any of you, my readers (not Omani) going away for the holidays?
Living here, I almost forget about the holiday season until my family phones and are like, "we are sending you are Christmas present." Which always involves repeating about how difficult it is to get something posted to a post box (which I do not have to my name and share with someone I have never met whose name I do not know whose name the box actually IS in). The end result is a trip to Western Union or a bank wire, that always loses the "festive" touch I suppose. As I am Muslim, there are no dinners, or decorating, besides, so all in all, I hardly notice beyond the Christmas phone calls to relatives far and away (such as myself).
But anyways, I am busy trip planning anyhow... a wee trip back to the old country.
I am highly excited to visit the sites my ancestors built and explore a little bit of my own heritage for a change;D.  And itis MOP's turn to be the tourist with the camera.
12th century Templar castle, in ruins by the lake.
Queen Meabh's Cairn
 ...And of course MOP is just as excited to see nothing but green country side with a good chance of some hunting and/or fishing thrown in. Since I originally wanted Marrakesh and Casablanca or Tanzania and Zanzibar.
Sligo countryside
I certainly aim to explore at least one of the great Irish country houses (though probably only the one we will be staying at....
(I doubt Lissadell would interest MOP a great deal.). The the train ride itself I could probably talk him into, and exploring the gardens and grounds but the house and its history would interest only myself:
Beyond just hoping to enjoy some hiking, archeology, and picnicing, and beyond being cosy in a great old country house, I fully intend, with or without MOP, rain or shine, to go riding across the estate to the beach. I haven't gone in ages, and I swear I am dying.
 I don't know why, but Ireland reminds of a colder, less tropical Dhofar. ;), without bukhoor, without bananas and coconuts, but it reminds nonetheless. So my dear readers, are any of you going away for the holiday [which is not a holiday here]?

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