TWO OMANIS IN: Temple House Demesne, Co. Sligo, Ireland

Usually we would wake up before fajr [morning prayer] and escape through the morning room door to the garden out back and go around the grounds for a walk. Mainly I say escape because we forgot the instructions of how to go out the front.
We went down to the old coachhouse, and saw some sheep and an orchard. We spooked the poor sheep and my husband and I argued about why or why not to grow one's own produce.
After breakfast my husband decided today would be the day we went fishing, even though it looked like sure rain. I had planned to read while he fished, but knowing he had never rowed, and it would surely rain, I gave up on a novel. Nonetheless we were outfitted with gear, and were followed by the house's very excited dogs--- whose names I now forget. One of them really took a liking to us, and followed us all the way out to the boathouse. My husband even looks like he likes dogs (in the photos).
Probably the worst house guests ever, we couldn't figute out how to haul the poor exhausted labrador retirever swimming after us into the boat, and had to go back to shore to make sure it got out of the water. In all the excitement we forgot to pack bait for the fish, so pretty much we just went rowing in the rain and in the wind.

It was fun nonetheless, as we bundled up pretty tight. As Ranulph Fiennes says "There is no bad weather, only innappropriate clothing."
Later, we just spent our time back at our room in the house. Helena was kind enough to dig out a pack of cards, and my husband spent the rest of the day beating me at every game I taught him. Which is discouraging. I am pretty sure, if I remember correctly, that is all we did, besides some reading. And taking identical photos of our very Omani-clad selves' feet. That is why I married him, definately not to be beat at cards;).

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