My Opinion about the Zouk Nightclub Pajama Party

Honestly, I just heard about the "Zouk Nightblub Pajama Party" last night. It is already cancelled. I was never intending to go, obviously, being, I am married, Muslim, wear hijab and what-not (which is not to say that does not stop Muslims from going to these places---we muslims are not a perfect representation of the religion of Islam, that's for sure). But towards the matter, given that, why bother to form an opinion of it?

I was shown the advertisement for the event last night, and heard about the "pillow fight". Omani inlaws were aghast. "They'll probably wear lingerie" "women going alone go for free" {which they do in most nightclubs in Oman all the time}.

I don't really understand why it was so shocking and offensive. I mean, if you are going to be all Islamist about it, be offended that nightclubs exist at all, that Muslim Omanis CAN and DO buy alcohol at hotels, restaurants, nightclubs, ect... That half of the Omani dudes your husband or son works with have Omani girlfriends or unhalal and even adulterous affairs (big sin in Islam BTW) without ever going to nightclubs. They do. It is a simple fact. Ask how I know?: I wasn't always perfect {in fact, I still majorly suck}. But to digress, I grew up a non-Muslim teenager here. Back then my friends were guys because the British girls were on holiday or their parents were super cool and let them ride in rally's across the desert--- and mine did not think I should leave Qu'rum, like ever. They {Omani guys} told me some awesomely wicked stories.

Sure, what goes on isn't advertised on a poster, but what are nightclubs anyways? I mean, as a girl, it was a place to dance, that's it, hang out with friends. For guys, it is either the same as the former, or it is a place to drink, stare at girls, and hopefully hook up with something female and none too ugly. That is the nightclub. A pajama party is not going to make the people going any worse, than any old night of regular unnanounced activity at a nightclub, Oman.

I know, I know, sex and the body are the worst possible sins somehow, but really guys? Pajamas?

How many grown up expat women do you know that would dress in slutty lingerie and whack other women with pillows anyways? Even the ones I know who like nightclubs, for the dancing, they wouldn't really do that. Maybe they'd go to watch other drunk stupid girls do that, that could be fun...

But the event was encouraging it! And we Omanis as country are Islamic and don't support that.

Now really?

Well past nightclub events in Oman have promoted the wearing of swimsuits, and, lo and behold, dating, far worse than pillow fights, technically, provided I am sure only 1-2 women would be bold enough to actually wear lingerie, and not like, shorts and t-shirts or whatever they'd normally wear out dancing, and no woman actually usually intentionally hooks up with guys at a nightclub who wouldn't do that with or without a pillow fight. I'd usually blame the cheap vodka, but hey.... In Oman it is far easier to blame pillows and promoters, rather than our own actions and society.

To sum it up simply: Islam is against drinking, sex/kissing/touching before and without marriage, and women dancing in front of men. Thus, the average mainstay of the nightclub depending on what crowd of night-club-goer you fall into. However, I'd like to be the one Islamist person in Oman to boldly state for public record: Islam has nothing against pillow-fights or women wearing pajamas.

That is my opinion as a former-expat-now-Muslim who understands the nightclub scene, expat women, Omani and expat dudes, and Islam.  As a Muslim, I am against drinking for any Muslims in Oman, and will disown your friendship or probably scorn you publically if you are cheating on your spouse and don't feel sorry about it and change, like, immediately. That's how the Qu'ran says we Muslims roll. For the people who don't share my beliefs: I just wish that you stay safe, do as you will, it isn't for me to judge or control, but try not to harm anyone else, including yourselves, your bodies, your hearts, or your minds.

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