Making Hijrah (i.e moving for Islamic reasons) to Oman?: OPNO's thoughts

One of the questions our inbox fills up with the most is, should I make hijrah to Oman with my family/can you girls/OPNO tell me more about whether or not I should make hijrah to the Sultanate of Oman?

To the expats who are not Muslims readings this, hijrah is migration or moving for Islamic reasons. The Qu'ran tells Muslims that they do not have to stay somewhere where they are being hurt or persecuted, and may move to somewhere safer to make their lives. Islam doesn't require suffering for God/Allah. It is about service and devotion, and striving for the sake of, which is different than suffering for the sake of. Suffering for the sake of suffering is actually a notion our religion preached against.

The first early Muslim-followers of Prophet Mohammed (peace and blessings be upon him) migrated from Mecca (where they were being tortured and killed and economically and socially segregated through sanctions enforced by the Quraysh tribe {which was, in many cases, their own tribe}) to Madinah, in what is now the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia didn't exist as it does now. Many of the early Muslims recieved reward, the Qu'ran says, for making this migration, as when they did so, it was to be able to practice their religion without fear of torture or without having to hide their faith.

Many people say I made hijrah when I moved to Oman. I don't really think of it like that per say...

In my own country, Canada, I openly practiced Islam. I went to friday prayers at the Mosque, learned to read Arabic, bought Islamic books online, wore abaya, hijab, and even niqab. I fasted, I could make umrah, and apply for Islamic loans which were actually more Islamic in structure than the Islamic banks here in Oman... I was not tortured, and I could practice my religion. I went to school. I had a job.

That's not to say, that any of that was not a struggle. I am an out-going person, who at soul, is a fighter. I used to also be patient and idealistic. That's worn off now, but being put down upon by others' ignorance is never anything I allowed on myself or others'.
Young Canadian men did rip off my scarf, a group of men threatened to rape me {because of my dress}, I had a pop can filled with pop (like a rock) thrown at my head, and people constantly {especially women} decided I was intellectually inferior to them because of my beliefs. I got told to move to Saudi Arabia very often (usually by people who had been in the country less time than my own ancestors...who were some of the earliest Europeans to settle there). Usually, none of this bothered me. Like I said, I am a fighter. I felt sorry for these people. That they knew or allowed themselves to know so little of the world.

Then one day, one woman, simply refused to be served "by people like me" and that broke me down. I don't know why. that one woman's simple, non-violent prejudice, broke me, but it did.

I decided, why the hell not move to Saudi Arabia?

The reason is, there is no such thing as an Islamic country. There is no truly Islamic government (unless you somehow think Iran is one... and I don't since they don't elect according to the best qualified and their courts are a mess--- not truly Shariah, and they don't handle non-Muslims the way Shariah should). Saudi and Afghanistan are horrible examples... Neither country's governments are run on Shariah law---only claim to be, taking whatever portions of shariah law as they see fit or beneficial to their ruling parties.

Even some of the earliest Islamic governments are not Islamic, historically, since they favoured a tribe or family or bloodline over the tenents of Islam, which were always, that the best qualified should run the government.

I guess that's why Oman looks attractive to some, getting back to the questions we OPNO girls are asked.
Oman is a Muslims majority country. That means, if anyone tries to pull off your scarf here, or doesn't allow you to work, ect... they get in trouble with the police.

They also [currently----who knows about the future], nicely support a lot of non-Muslim rights in understanding to Islam, so that Islam is not forced upon others in terms of dress and behaviour. Which I prefer personally, to Iran or Saudi Arabia where I'd feel hypocritical in faith to the way it is enforced.

But that being said, Muslim majority doesn't necessarily mean Islamic. In fact, the Muslim communities I was in touch with in Canada were more visibly practicing than the majority of Muslims here. Here Islam can be confused with culture, and tribal and family considerations override Islamic notions often and in many cases. Marriage is one (racism abounds). Legally, many things are not according to Shariah law (although there is a shariah basis).

In terms of general safety, Oman is pretty safe.

But when it comes to creepy guys per say, abaya and hijab doesn't protect one like it does in Canada, where abaya made me feel like a Princess by most Canadian guys (not the hick prejudiced neo nazi ones of course, but they are a minority). I am serrious. There, what I wore meant I was looked at for my thoughts and actions, not what I looked like. Here, it doesn't have that power, and it means "female", not necessarily always a good thing. Here female behaviour is still tribally a source of "honour" as pathetic as that is, although the government has tried to make headways into changing these pre-Islamic mindsets.

I personally, don't know what this means for my daughter. I'd like her to grow up with the Canadian/British-convert Muslimah ideal of what a female is supposed to be in terms of society, yet be as legally protected as she is to practice her faith as she is by the Omani government at this time without all the tribal-jahiliyia mumbo-jumbo.
I would like her to see races and nations as extensions of herself, something beautiful, to marvel at, to know about, not to derive borders and barriers from, or be afraid of, or to be faced with legal or familial sanctions on.

If you are thinking of moving to Oman for Islamic reasons, know that Oman is still segregated on nations and races. Passports are not given fully based on merit, nor are marriage permissions. Visas can be difficult, limited for single females, investments depend on sponsorship in most cases, and shariah law is not the basis of all laws... Corruption exists here in government, there is no true election system (Sultan Qaboos is, in many, things, pretty awesome, but not even he would ever try to label himself a Caliph).

The country is an Ibadhi majority (which the majority of Muslims worldwide are not). Still, the shiite community here is very well treated compared to Iraq and Bahrain... So I'd think about it if I was Shia for sure, not willing to consider Iran a good example.

The economy in Oman is rocky. It is not fully developed to the point it can support itself without oil reserves, and policies favouring Omanis doens't always ensure even that aim...

Education is expensive if you are not Omani (and relatively of poor quality if you are Omani). Healthcare is also expensive if you are not Omani. If you are not Omani, there are only certain places where you can buy and own property. These are things to consider.

Sure, there are Qu'ran schools, Mosques, and abaya retailers. There are public holidays for Eids, and reduced working hours for Ramadan.

But that to me, does not make Oman ideal for hijrah. In many ways, Canada could be just as Islamic in principle, although perhaps a little less safe (though Muslims I know from Toronto always subscribe to love for that city).
I'd probably advise UAE (one of the smaller Emirates like Sharjah or Ras Al Khaimah) if one was looking for a legally and economically sound Muslim majority Khaleeji country to immigrate to that suited my means and education, or even sections of U.K. if you had the income, or Malaysia, if Khaleej wasn't your thing.

But there is no Islamic country, or Medinah of the early days, to make hijrah to anymore.

I chose Oman because I love it here. I have the patience for the prejudice I do encounter. I can stand and fight here, if I have to. My income is enough, as per the cost of living, but then, I am not living your average expat immigrant to Oman situation, as my husband is Omani and other OPNO girls all make well over the average expat salary for Oman being PHDs or successful business owners. I don't think I can advise others to move.

I chose Oman randomly, after I realized UAE  (Abu Dhabi at least) didn't suit the person I wanted to be as a career woman. I'd had history here. The culture, which will never be my own, is ingrained in my psyche. I can leave the bad, keep the good.

I think often, in the concept of hijrah, of the kind of woman I want my daughter to become. I think of what society or a nation ingrains into her consiousness. I decided I want her to be a citizen of the world, and be learned enough to follow Islam of the earliest history, not of consequent generations of fatwas of muftis and sheikhs of today. She must learn Arabic for that, so any Arabic country can provide that. She must also travel, to be aware of Allah's creation, not man's interpretation of its meaning. Oman is our base. It is not ideal, it is not Islamic, it is not even safe at all times, or sure in politics or economics, but it is simply the base.

My only advice would be, is hijrah is impossible. Making a better world around you, is possible in some places, at certain times, considering political, economic, social, and Islamic factors. Making yourself better, is possible, anywhere, at any time.

That's all I've got. Sorry for the long rambling post.

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