I have just written a new resume and cover letter. I have the phone number, a personal intorduction, and the email of the man who has the knowledge and mayhaps the kindness to grant me the wish of my dream job (the area I was always supposed to be working in before the practicality of business took over). Will I be brave enough to ask and dare against disapointment, that I might be useful somewhere closer to my passions?: I've been brave before, brave enought to walk into the unknown, learn that, succeed there, but what I know, what I want, scares me ever more... I am terrible with disapointment, excellent at avoidance... 
But one can't avoid one's self can they? That inner voice that says, "this is not what you should be doing, what you're meant to do, what you love to do, even if it is useful, even if it is good..."  So I keep wondering, 'what if he says no?' My heart keeps saying, "but what if he says yes?"

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