DAILY DIARY: Fireworks and Asian Beach Games Opening Ceremony

Well, this long weekend hasn't been "kroob". The Omani word that denotes something that is mind numbingly boring. I saw the firworks, the opening ceremonies of the asian beach games, was attacked by my sister-in-law (albeit with a bottle of olive oil and a hair comb---but the tears were real!!!!), climbed a mountain which is apparently a shocking thing to do, and witnessed the most awesome Omani Cassanove. You will love his tale. But first. The fireworks.
I would describe the fireworks first, but since firworks are REALLY something you should see for yourself (though it DID involve me climbing a giant wall with neices and nephews attached like glue to my back with my SIL [sister-in-law] and her husband wondering how well I could possibly ever adapt to their family but liking me anyways).
There are more fireworks tonight should you have never experienced the blasted colourful, loud, smelly, jubilant things that result in neices and nephews going "Ala! Jameel!" while you cling to the metal rail of someone's villa gate and wish that the tailor who wripped you off for your lendli [Omani woman's colourful floral printed village dress] had tailored the bottom hem of it a little bit wider so that you could swing your leg up and over that tree branch yonder without wripping it in half. 5 rials for a three rial tailoring job! Really. And your "mafi engleez" was not at all convincing. You're lucky I don't speak hindi.

***I prefer Pakistani tailors EVERYTIME over Indian ones because I have NEVER been ripped off by one yet*** Honest Indian tailor offended by this, as soon as I meet you, I will dedicate a huge apology post to you, and your nation, and offer you free advertising.
Anyways... moving on since I have seen fireworks since the age of two and don't find them as thrilling as I used to, the opening ceremonies in Al Mosanah (past Seeb and Barka for those who don't leave Muscat) were pretty spectacular for Oman. If you missed them, I am sure Omani tv2 will play it again, and again, again, so no worries;D

I honestly would make a very horrible reporter. Please forgive. I also do not own a camera, so I steal ALL my pictures on this blog. Yes, yes I do.

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