Worst Omani Tour Guide Ever Stories: Wahiba Sands Meltdown

To be honest, when I read about Misadventures in the HR's corporate jaunt out into the desert , I had to ask her if her crappy (pervy) guide was named Mahaned [no KH< not your cousin Mahaned---though that was another misadventure altogether wasn't it?]. Anyways, that sounds about the worst right?

Well, MOP has a friend who is an Omani tour guide. You know, out to Wahiba?

Well, apparently Omani Tour Guide Friend [OTGF from this point of reading onwards] was escorting a snobby bored out of his mind whiny complaining British fellow [BOHMWCB fella]. After four hours straight of whining and complaining already, BOHMWCB fella wanted to know why there was only sand and camels to see after driving all that way out into the desert.

OTGF was understandably fed up. It was, as advertised, a desert afterall. As in, "deserted". If the guy wanted club med, he should have stuck to one of the hotels. But OTGF's inherent break-down in that middle-of-nowhere PROBABLY wasn't listed on the tour company's itinerary for the day.

OTGF threw BOHMWCB fella out of the SUV.
OTGF: "This is the desert! You know what, that means no one and nothing is out here. So you know what? I could run over you right now, and leave you out here, and no one would ever know!"

BOHMWCB fella nearly pee-ed his pants at his traditionally-garbed host threatening to suspend the famed desert-hospitality with a threat of vehicular homicide.

...And OTGF is still employed by his tour agency to this day. Probably because he isn't pervy like Miss Misadventures tour guide, and he can handle a little dune bashing. But obviously, not, the customer is always right policy.

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