Ethnic Cleansing in Bahrain

All it takes for the world to go wrong is for a good man to do nothing.

What can I do? Not much from Oman I can tell you that. But I can share this with you.

SUNNI witnesses, from Canadian Sunni students in Bahrain, and others (who ARE NOT SHIA so have NO reason to make this up) state that there is a policy OF ETHNIC CLEANSING OF SHIAs going on in Bahrain by the Bahraini Government with of course the help of Saudi Arabia, and the U.S government knows all about but does nothing, because you know, to weaken Shias in the GCC, is to weaken Iran.

Muslims back in the West we've been sharing this with go, well the Shias have been making problems there.

Guys, these are SUNNI Muslims REPORTING THE acts of killing. What 12 year old Shia girl who was taken off her school bus had anything to do against the government? Why are families being taken form their homes that had nothing to do with the protests?

I am Sunni BTW, saying this. Some say blame the Salafi and Wahabi extremists. Well, I am a follower of the writings of Abdul Wahab and I can tell you... not only would I never ever say this was okay, but I can't...even... begin... to understand it. Just the thought of it left me crying so hard last night but blogger would not post. This is not Islamic extremism btw. It is political ethnic cleansing.

The news says the bloodshed is over. It's not. The news lies.

Bloggers who wrote about it were arrested, University Professors, and Sunni sheikhs who were against it and knew the truth, that is has nothing to do with our religion, are in jail or disapeared.

Please, please this is the truth. It is going on. Somebody help these people. Someone tell Bahrain to stop. I can't imagine if it was my family they were marching off in a mob to go kill and no one would do anything or even say anything because I was a "sunni". The fact that someone is a "shia" or anything else for that matter, is not enough to justify their bloodshed.

God guide your Muslims, for they are divided on the grounds of Nationalism to not even realize that this has nothing to do with You, Allah, at all, but is all about power and control of land & resources and means of controlling history through media to make their own existance excusable(by that last I meant KSA's monarchy as the 'guardians' of Mecca).

Non-Muslims will probably ask me, how can there be a God who lets this happen to His people?

Romeo Dallarie, the UN Commander for the Mission during the 1994 Rwandan Genocide, was asked how he could believe in God still, after having seen what he witnessed in Rwanda. Mr. Dallaire, one of my heroes who stayed to do what he could while the world watched and did nothing, said simply: "I know there is a God, because in Rwanda, I shook hands with the Devil."

Anyone in Bahrain. Allah/God has no wish for mankind to kill eachother in His name. If both sides are claiming God is on their side and they are killing eachother, it isn't God that they are fighting for, but Shaytaan/the Devil.

I wish I could do more. This breaks my heart into pieces. I can never, never, ever understand how men can do this to one another. All I can do I guess, is to teach my children not to hate, and how the world goes wrong, if a good person does nothing, says nothing.

Please get the word out: STOP ETHNIC CLEANSING IN BAHRAIN.

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