DAILY DIARY: grey day in Bahla

I don't know what happens, but invariably whenever this particular OPNO girl heads to the Interior, it rains. Always. And it isn't like she's one of those girl who misses rain in a desert country because she grew up in a rainforest and loves nothing better about Oman than the fact that the sun shines brightly practically every day here. Alas, except when she heads to Dakhliyia, then all the skies roll with thunder.
 Despite this, the backdrop of the mountains behind the ruins of Bahla fort make for striking photos.
 The rooftop farm.
 The carved detail on this Mosque door is so beautiful. And the fort itself is so large it is pretty much impossible to photograph in its entirety from up close.
 The mud brick homes in ruins (and some still inhabited) under the fort (and another door we loved):
 Back down in the parking lot:
 The fort from the parking area, behind the windscreen (because it had started raining by then):

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