Going to events and parties in Muscat as an Omani girl

Have three years past already? Three years ago my friend B threw a graduation party for her sister in Shatti that was just so colourful, relaxed, and fun (barbeque) and I was just looking through www.dusty-roses.com and found this table setting that reminded me so much of that particular party that I just had to re-post it.
I also recently commented on this post http://www.muscatmutterings.com/2013/04/wig-party-at-hyatt-next-weekend.html and this post http://andyinoman.com/2013/04/09/3-coco-latte-events-at-grand-hyatt-this-weekend/ by local bloggers. They high-light three events that have a major draw for me. 1. I love costume parties of any kind. I love dressing up. Weird and wacky, or black tie http://www.muscatmutterings.com/2013/04/mrfc-touch-tournament-tomorrow.html.  2. A really swanky brunch? Totally my thing. 3. Great live music (I know, I'm Muslim, I am working on that, that I shouldn't be listening to music, but that isn't number 1 on my list of sins that I am working on unfortunately. If it was, I'd expect I'd be a pretty great person already). So why, as an Omani girl, are the only major theme parties I go to hosted by Omani girlfriends, weddings [which get dull fast], eating out, or kind of VIP things through work? Answer is a cultural eye-opener I guess: I choose not to go.
There are many reasons for this, none of which are that I am a religious extremist who wants to burn down the opera house, or forbid serving alcohol to non-Muslim expats, or segregate society, especially non-Muslims. I'm not some weirdo. I don't expect other people to have the same ethics or morals or understanding of morality that I do. I believe selfishness is not in living the way that one wants to live... it is in expecting others to live as you do or think as you do. But I have a choice. I choose not to be anywhere where alcohol is served in my immediate vicinity (most hotels) and not to socialize with people when they are drinking [majority of Omanis as well do this]. In case you are an expat, this is not anything against you at all. It is actually religious commandment for us Muslims, not to make, sell, drink, or socialize with those who are drinking. That said, when hotels or restaurants offer pretty sweet or cool promotions where drinks are included in the entrance price, I do understand these events are targeted at non-Muslim expats. I just wish that some cooler promotions (chic---stylish) were more constant on the Muscat scene is all. I don't like that "store opening" or "spa treatments" are the only major promotions for people like me. I hate spas. I like jet-skiing, and sailing, and dressing up for costume parties or eating chic brunch sans alcohol. I don't like that Arabic foods are usually the only alcohol-free promotions. Boring, been there, done that.
Another issue for Omani girls is mixing. I don't think it is wrong for a woman to have an intelligent conversation with an unrelated man. Never have. But I think that limits going to many otherwise cool events that would draw me out of my hermit-like existence lol. Like, the black tie balls? I'd love those, but I mean, dressing up in front of guys I don't care about and who really have done nothing to earn my trust and seeing "all that" is not a very Muslim-thing to do [for those sarcastic people---yes, I still have weddings, but somehow, parties are just so much better, they aren't just about one person]. Also, costume parties? Sometimes dressing up is not enough. I want to dance, let my hair down. A lot of Omani women would totally like to meet expat women, but they are afraid a. they'll get a photo of them not dressed properly put on the internet, c. there's no real places for non-mixing events with expat women but generally dull things, dining out. We do that already!
Anyways, this post is kind of random. I just wanted to explain how Omanis might not be anti-expat, or extremists, they just complain about being bored too;) or feeling left out. That's all. Random post.

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