Post #1000: a storm in Muscat

This is the blog's 1000th posting. Nothing siginficant to say beyond the fact that the weather is.... well, to describe it...: My sat. dish blew off the roof, a bunch of glass windows blew in at my work, and I had an Marilyn Munroe moment where my abaya blew up from the wind when someone opened a door. Thankfully I was wearing leggings.
Why did I even go to work you might wonder? When most of the girls who work with me said they couldn't make it. It is like having a day off basically, since my boss is one of those Omanis who always comes to work (he has a 4x4 that's old and he's not ashamed to drive it ). He's just pleased I came in. That means I can sit here and do nothing basically. And leave early anyways. Except that I am waiting because my ride is late because the roads flooded. But that's not why my ride is late, my ride is late because people stopped their cars on the freeway to take photos of the flooding and water flowing into the ditches. Ahhh, Oman.

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