Creepy Guys in Cars part deux

Guys in Arab countries are creepy, or can be (sorry to all the good practicing Muslim brothers out there or simply decent dudes). Reading this post I had to laugh a little, remembering my own memories of creepy guys in cars. In Dubai us OPNO girls would throw flip-flops at creepy white sedans driving along at snail pace, windows buzzed down, weirdo in the shadows. In Abu Dhabi a dude was stalking me and got close enough to touch me with his car, so I got arrested for throwing an empty pepsi can in his rolled down window to get him to back-off.


I mean, alhamdulilah, the worst thing a creepy dude has ever done to me:
a. is say some lame come-on/pick-up line in Arabic/
b. honk their car horn and make me jump out of my skin while trying to be so playboy/
c. drive up alongside me and nearly run over my feet/
d. throw a phone number/ candy out the window into my car/
e. constantly double-back and drive by again and again, forcing me to, in my heels, go off the pavement/ and trek across dust that ruins my shoes/
f. undress me with their eyes (and I wear abaya, that all-black-robe) while saying they want to be just friends/be like a brother to me (a brother whose into incest)/

All this happens to me less now, because I walk alone less. I have a husband. He likes to go with me everywhere. He drives me places, picks me up, tries to walk with me everywhere. That totally deters creeps.

Since I don't think that women should have to have a chaperone for walking (unless we want to live in a world where creeps rule our actions), what can you do to avoid a creep in a car?

Probably nothing, because it isn't your fault. They're just creeps. Mostly harmless losers but still, be on your guard.

No matter how you dress guys in Arab countries some guys will turn out to be creeps in cars. They have the maturity of nine year olds, and aren't supposed to date, probably watch too much porn, maybe have paid for a prostitute, and have no idea how to relate to women outside a familial situation at all. Thus you get--- creeps in cars.

Honestly, beyond prostitutes, I don't know what kind of girl gets into a car driven by a creep, no matter how bad she might want sex or romance/adventure. There must be some out there though, or why would the creeps think driving about in a  slow, stalkerish manner might charm a girl?

I dunno.

I have worn everything in the world, and nothing stops creeps, though abaya ras (the head abaya) or Egyptian Khimars work best. Probably because creeps think then that you're like, 90 years old. Maybe wearing one of those rubber masks and a fat suit would work just as well, I dunno?

Anyways, I did see a creep once witha pretty posh ride. I dunno, I guess he was somewhat less a creep because girls looking for a guy to provide for them a little might actually get into his car. Still a creep to me nonetheless though, because any Muslim dude looking to pick up girls in his car, is, by a definition, to a girl who wears an abaya for modesty, a creep.

He was at Bareeq Al Shatti, lamely cruising the parking lot, doing painfully slow circles in his ferrari. Honestly, if a car could impress me, a ferrari wouldn't.

So creative.


Anyways, I am just waiting for my husband, shopping bags piled.

He kept circling and smiling out his window.

'Loser' I was thinking, grating my teeth so that they made that awful grinding sound.

The only reason I mention this actually less-creepy-than-usual-creep-in-car because the look on his face was priceless when he saw me get into my husband's car (which is, er, well, definately not a Ferrari with its door that doesn't open and tied-on-bumper). It was like, his definition of women was in turmoil, and his self-worth dropping.

My husband of course, was like "stop staring, that's why you get stalked!"

But lol, since I did my best to ignore all eye-contact or recongition of total Omani-creep-in-car lameness up until that point, I couldn't resist. And for once, it was the same kind of creepiness I knew back in Europe from European tossers who think they're all that as well sooo....

Dear Creepy guys in cars:

Women do not like to be followed, nearly run over, honked at, told how beautiful they are in bad English or creepy Arabic taking the name of Allah in vain when they are walking their dog, need a phone number aimed at their heads, or care what car you drive if they know that you are the kind of man who drives around looking to pick up girls when this is apparently espoused by your family values as "not allowed".


Get some class.

The end.

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