Wednesday.... not the weekend.

This morning I woke up and I thought, yaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! Today is Wednesday!!! But slowly, on the drive to work, as the coffee kicked in it was like, oh, no, yeah, Wednesday is not the weekend anymore. One more day left still after today. Nooooooooooooooo.
Arriving to work before anybody else as I usually do (that way I am able to catch those people who never answer their phones as they just arrive and are still to asleep to ignore insignificant old me) I had time before there was any reason to call anyone (they were still asleep or just getting dressed for work) to check out the blog reader... and I was really amused by Susan's latest article I too have to scratch my head and wonder how the weddings for the women's sides will work now for Omanis. My husband is pleased with the new weekend. Nothing he loathes more than women from HIS family out past 12 pm ever anyways. So I have one more day now to enjoy the cast of characters the inhabit my workspace as they prepare for a job requiring travel. I am sooooo glad for an overprotective husband in this case because I have a really good excuse why I don't have to go. I know most people are like, yay, paid vacay to Paris, or Miami but me, nooooo. Besides, with no one here I can actually get MY work done....
I love the people I work with. They are Omanis who work hard but they take sometimes too much on, more than they can remember to handle, and it is always alot of last minute details with my job. My job description is set pretty much in contract but my work isn't--- it changes all the time and it is always juggling this project with the next and getting frustrated at deadlines that seem pointless in Oman to even ever try to set. I am taking off this summer, shortly after the entire cast comes back from their flight, and I fear, I fear, what will happen while I am gone. Nothing... work piled up.... Desperate texts and long dinstance calls? Anyways, on the bright side, I am one of those people who find this more funny than tragic. Long winded post about nothing much...
So how is your non-weekend Wednesday going?

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