My Quest for Gulf-girl Gorgeous Hair Continues...

 I recently wrote a post about my longing for gorgeous, healthy, shiny, and long Gulf-girl style hair. According to reader's suggestions, I have tried to pay a little more attention than I normally do to my bewildered locks.
 Mademoiselle Shosho (see my sidebar for the link to her fashion blog---the girl has beautiful bouncy shiny hair so why not listen to her?) suggested I try castor oil treatment for my scalp. I did. But alas, any benefit derived from the oil itself, is removed from the shampoo treatment required to remove said oil. That said, apparently it works wonders on my Omani SIL's hair, which is courser and shiner than mine. Maybe my hair type and scalp type do not suit castor oil? Or maybe I am doing something wrong.

I tried it twice in one week. Both times, after even two shampoos it didn't fully rinse out, which annoyed my scalp and would cause dandruf if not cared for. I used tea tree oil shampoo and baby shampoo, neither of which were harsh enough to remove the oil. So I had to revert to an old enemy of mine (Pantene---which contains salt as a thickener and is super harsh on hair). So any of the benfits from the oil were removed by the shampoo required to remove it.

I do believe it does work on a different hair type than my own, however. So my quest continued...
Came I then to coconut oil. I applied to the ends of my hair and only washed it out if it was not absorbed by the hair. It DID make the ends shinier, but didn't do anything to improve the actual condition of the hair. Plus, the smell is annoying.

So I will keep looking....

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