More About Having a New Baby in Oman


When you have a baby in Oman, and you have Omani inlaws, you must be prepared to be hot when visiting, as your baby is always and will always be "bard" [arabic for cold, not a playwright] and people will inevitably turn all the acs off.

The baby will be "bard" even IF it is wearing a fleece onesie body suit, mitts, a wool hat, and insulated bootsies.... and then on top off that is wrapped so that it cannot move its arms in a giant blanket. And it is scorching outside. The baby still will be "bard" even if it is sweating and crying and all red because the baby is insanely hot in all those layers and the giant blanket and hates its itchy wool hat that would be fine if one lived in the Arctic, but not Oman.

I have learned that the baby is always "bard" .

My baby is rebelling. She is anti-hat, anti-blanket. She remains, sadly, helpless against the "off" button on the ac remote.

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