Wheelchair Accessibility in Seeb City Center Mall: something I just noticed???

NOTE: Thank you commentator #1. Apparently there ARE elevators. I just didn't see them nor did any of my friends. I also did not see signs. Maybe we are very clueless, who knows?

POST: Now this is something I had never noticed before. You know the new stores all up in Seeb City Center mall? Marks and Spencer, Toy R US, Noodle House, Chilis? Well, until I had a friend visiting with her baby (and thus a stroller), I had never noticed before that there is NO way down from that floor except by one narrow escalator. Not safe with a stroller. 100% impossible on one's own with a wheelchair. Same goes for the other side with the Homesense and E Max or whatever it is called. Now the Homesense side, they definately need to install something new like an elevator ect, to deal with that, but the funny thing about the other side? They have 3 up options, one escatlator, and two escatlator ramps. All they need to do to make the area more accessible is make one of the ramps a DOWN option.

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