Convicted Rapists and Publishing their photos, That old Dude waving at your Kids, and running over children in Muscat and Beyond

I just wanted to write (and please anyone in the ROP correct me if I am wrong) that since last week there was an escaped?/released? convicted rapist on the loose in Muscat. I am not allowed to post his photo even though the Omani government DID post the photos of the convicted Facebook-media-abusers seemingly against the law that says posting photos and names of convicts in the country is not allowed, but I did want to issue a warning nonetheless, as useless as it is without name and photos. An Omani male quite menatally disturbed and originally from Mabaila area of Muscat,  was convicted of raping a child [girl] under the age of ten and was (since I last heard) out and about in this region from which I blog from.

As a mother, I am glad to have a photo and name just to guard myself and my family with. I am used to kind Omani men of no ill intent in this country where children are beloved, to have children from our family patted, and treated with gifts from these gentle and harmless strangers so knowing who this bad guy is helps me from having a heart attack anytime I see some strange old dude waving kindly to my baby.

But just because the country is safe in majority for children, doesn't mean just because the newspaper doesn't say they have pedophiles on the loose, that one should let their kids go all hours of the night, walking the streets alone Especially in Mabaila and Seeb [my own personal experiences]. Dear people resident therein, we almost always accidently run over your children and you don't take notice. If you don't take notice of that, I am sure some experienced child-predator would have an easier go of your babies, so please... take care.

-A Concerned Mother, otherwise known as OPNO

P.S. Boys get raped and murdered too. Just so you know. Dubai has a higher rape rate for boys under 13 than it does for girls simply because GCC parents seem to think nothing bad ever happens to boys and no one is watching them.

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